Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Baker Would Rather Go to Jail Than Bake Gay Wedding Cake

Are people REALLY this ignorant? I guess so. I found this disturbing and ignorant story about a Colorado baker who refused to make a cake for a gay couple, he would "rather go to jail"According to the guy, Jack Phillips, he doesn't believe it is what God would want him to do and that he would be going against his beliefs and what he was meant to do...because baking cakes is what some people on this earth are meant to do I suppose? Anyways, I found this story not only ignorant and any other negative adjective one could think of, but a waste of what some would deem "newsworthy". Not to say that marriage equality is never news worthy (that is never the case), but that any news outlet would give THIS fool an ounce of attention to stand on. I hope he looses business if anything! Can you tell I am annoyed? I dont want his cakes anyway...pie is more my thing.

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